Marshmallow Engineering


Some weeks we have spring-like weather in the winter. Sometimes we have below freezing temps for weeks. Other times we actually get snow and/or ice. That winter weather shuts things down and usually means several days of no school because ice (and black ice) is a big problem and the hilly geography prevents people from even getting out of their driveways. Once things begin to clear up, we’re all ready to get out of the house.


One Saturday night I watched three cooped up kids. Hoping to make some excitement because it was muddy, not snowy, I purchased a bag of mini marshmallows and a box of toothpicks. Total cost = $2.20. Best money spent. EVER.


After dinner we spent an hour and a half engineering wonderful 3D shapes. I even got to teach them about polyhedrons. Woo! It feels good pulling out my oft-unused maths vocabulary.


They had a great time and a marshmallow or two may have been eaten. Who knew I could get a lego obsessed boy to abandon his legos for nearly two hours?! Amazing. 

What do you do on your snow days?