Pick Up Sticks: art edition

Normally, our Kindergarten art classes are spread over two days, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Since we’ve moved to remote learning, I’ve shaken things up by making Tuesday my day to post regular art lessons/updates and Thursday my day to post a bonus art activity.

Today: PICK UP STICKS, art edition

+ toothpicks, small skewers, or popsicle sticks
+ markers

1. Choose your house hold item- I had some flat toothpicks and chose to color those. 
2. Color your stick of choice. Solid colors? With patterns? Stripes? Dots? Whatever you feel like!
3. Hold the finished sticks in your hand, drop on to a piece of white paper and note how they fall. Every time will be a different arrangement. 

I snapped some photos of mine and posted them to instagram (@elementarygoods) so you can see the variety of my drops. If you'd like, glue them in place to make a permanent piece of art OR keep them loose to arrange them again and again!

Happy Making!