Abstract Cardboard Triangles

Bonus Kinder art activity: simple directions, many variations!

+ cardboard
+ scissors/box cutter
+ paint
+ paintbrush and water
+ glue

Begin by cutting your cardboard into triangles, or whatever shape you like. Circles and other round shapes will be difficult to cut, so stick to geometric shapes with straight edges.


Paint those bad boys any way you want to. I like to stick to monochromatic colors per shape. You could use multiple colors, paint rainbows, paint patterns. Whatever you feel! No biggie, it’s your artwork!


Take a spare piece of cardboard and use that as your base. This is what you’re going to glue your shapes. Before I permanently attached them to my base, I tried a few arrangements out. It’s almost like a backwards puzzle- trying to figure out the best combination without knowing what it should look like first.


My first piece used nine triangles and ended up looking like a wonky star. Yours might look completely different, and that’s the point! My second one only used four triangles and looks more like a diamond. I think I’d like to create one that utilizes a dozen or more triangles. It will definitely be more of a challenge but I think it will look really great. They all do! Happy making!
