Florence Friday v1


A long time ago I drove up to Western PA for two reasons: a) to see family, and b) to have my Dad work on my car. Yes, I made the drive from NC to PA to have Pearl (my old car) worked on instead of taking it to a local garage/dealer. Not crazy, but totally legit. Worth. It. Thanks Dad!

I hadn't been "home" to see my parents for a while and the timing was perfect. In between some awesome thunderstorms there was some beautiful summer weather (complete with hammock time), time spent with my parents, and a opportunity to see my Grandma, Florence. Even when I went home during holidays I didn’t always have the chance to drive down to Pittsburgh to see her. She was doing as well as she could and it was nice to see her in person.

The big news at the time was that after a year and half of going through things my mom and uncle were ready to put on the big 'Estate Sale' at her home. She would never live in her house again. I will always have memories of summers and holidays spent at this home but I walked away with some things that will also help me to remember "Grandma's". 

This berry planter is just one of those “things” that I’ll cherish.