Florence Friday v7


My grandmother, with her many talents, was also a quilter. I was raised using some of the quilts that she and my great-grandmother hand quilted. You can still find some of them being used at my parents' house and in my grandmother's room at her assisted-living home. This is a recent acquisition. 

This is no ordinary cotton quilt with batting, a backing, and binding. Nope. This baby is more of a blanket made entirely from polyester. She's a beast but really warm. It's great for laying on the ground or hanging from clotheslines to admire. I've never measured it but it's something like 5.5' x 7.5'. This quilt is huge! The fabric selection is interesting too. In the bottom right corner you have some plaids mixed with a beautiful watermelon palette. Then as you move up to the opposite corner you get back in to some bold patterns and colors. She's a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll. I need to find out if the fabric was new or reused when it was made but I do remember seeing it, and another one like it, at Grandma's when I was growing up. Now I have the urge to dig out our picnic basket. Happy Friday!