Popsicle Stick Pencil Holder


This mini project arose during a babysitting gig. The kids I was watching had just purchased a tub full of popsicle sticks and were really interested in using them that night. Some ended up wrapped in a cocoon of scotch tape. Others were used to build fanciful objects- I believe a giant fort wall was constructed. The youngest of them began lining up a long row. I took that idea and turned it into a decorative pencil holder.

Here's what you'll need:
+ popsicle sticks
+ scotch tape & double sided tape
+ markers or paints


I lined up several popsicle sticks, guesstimating how many I’d need to wrap around a cup. After those were lined up I used regular old magic tape to hold them together. Three rows did it for me.


I flipped the connected popsicle sticks over and decided to create a Van Gogh inspired design. Paint or color a design of your choosing. Markers were easier though not lightfast, so painting may be worth the extra effort.


When I was finished with my design I folded up one end of the popsicle sticks. You can see a bit of the sheen from the double sided tape that I stuck on the end. I used two lines of tape to ensure good contact with the other end.


I folded the other over and gave it some good presses. You’ll be able to pick it up and set it over a cup or use as is. This was a great way to work side by side with a tiny human and create something useful for my desk. Happy making!